Conservatoire Week Open Festival General Provisions

Open Festival


  • International Conservatoire Week Festival is founded by Saint-Petersburg State Rimsky-Korsakov Conservatoire
  • International Conservatoire Week is supported by the Committee on Culture of St.Petersburg Government, under the patronage of the Festival Board of Trustees enlisting embassies and consulates as well as cultural institutes representing countries that send their music schools to the Festival.

International Conservatoire Week Festival aims to:

  • improve the status of the professional musician, make the career more desirable and respected;
  • attract audiences of various social background, especially St. Petersburg students, invite their attention to classical music;
  • present national traditions of music education, research composition and performance to St. Petersburg audiences: musicians, music-lovers and experts;
  • promote music composed by young and well-known composers from different countries helping them to find wider audience;
  • provide an opportunity for Festival participants – students and their tutors from Russia and abroad – to share experiences in various music genres;
  • present creative and research potential of St. Petersburg and Saint-Petersburg State Rimsky-Korsakov Conservatoire;
  • promote noble traditions of St. Petersburg Conservatoire - Russia’s oldest music school – all over the world thus making it a part of the international art-process.


  • Organizing Committee is established as a governing body responsible for direction and guidance of the International Conservatoire Week Festival; list of the members is approved by the rector of St. Petersburg Conservatoire. Committee’s address: St. Petersburg State Conservatoire. 3 Teatralnaya Square, St. Petersburg, Russia 190000.
  • Rector of St. Petersburg State Conservatoire is the chair of the Organizing Committee.
  • The Organizing Committee sets up Festival regulations, approves financial estimates for the Festival, maintains relations with leading music schools in Russia, CIS countries and all over the world, designates trustees and partners of the Festival, receives and consider applications submitted by Festival participants, designs Festival program, determines order of appearance for Festival participants, approves samples of printed matter designed for the Festival, controls the way the Festival is conducted, provides information and other Festival documents to governmental bodies and prepares final documents.
  • Festival Management is a group created to prepare and conduct the Festival.
  • Festival Management prepares Festival events, works to design layouts for printed matter, conducts the Festival according to the regulations set up by the Festival Organizing Committee, designates program for seminars, workshops, master classes, presentations and other Festival events.


  • Frequency
    The Festival is held annually.

  • Dates and Duration
    The Festival lasts for 7-9 days and takes place in October.

  • Festival Venue
    St. Petersburg State Conservatoire (Russia) serves as the main venue for the Festival. Festival concerts also take place on other acclaimed stages in St. Petersburg and satellite towns (in Leningradskaya oblast’) as designated by the organizers.

  • Festival Themes
    Each Festival is dedicated to an important date in world's musical history.

The Festival relies on the funds provided by the Committee on Culture of St. Petersburg Government and extra-budgetary funds of St. Petersburg State Conservatoire.

  • Additional funds can by received from the federal budget on the basis of the agreement signed between Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation and St. Petersburg State Conservatoire.
  • Funds for the Festival can also be raised among sponsors and patrons of arts.
  • The money is transferred to the current bank account of St. Petersburg State Conservatoire and is spent only to cover Festival expenses.
  • Budgetary resource spending is controlled by the Festival Organizing Committee, Committee on Culture of St. Petersburg Government and Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation.


  • Concerts/recitals
  • Open lectures
  • Open master classes
  • Seminars and workshops
  • Competitions for young composers
  • Press-conferences and briefings
  • Investiture ceremony for recipients of the title of Honorary Professor of Saint-Petersburg State Rimsky-Korsakov Conservatoire
  • Presentations of the musical instruments manufacturers.
  • Musical books presentations.
  • Exhibitions of documents and manuscripts from the Research Music Library and St. Petersburg Conservatoire Museum and from other Russian museums.
  • Art exhibitions: visual arts, small sculpture.
  • Distribution of presentation materials and publications.


  • Entry to the Festival is open to students and tutors (professors) form Russian conservatoires and schools of higher music education from all over the world.
  • Order of appearance and rehearsals is designated and regulated by the Festival Organizing Committee.
  • During the Festival ensembles, solo performers, conductors, professors of Russian conservatoires and schools of higher music education from abroad participate in concert programs, open lectures and master classes free of charge with no fees paid.
  • During the Festival ensembles, solo performers, conductors, professors of Russian conservatoires and schools of higher music education from abroad participate in TV shootings, TV and radio interviews, press-conferences, audio- and video-recordings of their concerts made to promote the Festival, create its archive and a record a souvenir CD of the Festival free of charge with no fees paid.
  • During the time of the Festival its participants should not take part in any other creative or business events without consent received from the Festival Organizing Committee.
  • During their performance and rehearsals Festival participants should follow internal code of conduct established by the Saint-Petersburg State Rimsky-Korsakov Conservatoire Administration.
  • All Festival participants receive Festival memorabilia as a token of their participation.
  • Festival providers and sponsors have the right to institute additional awards and prizes for Festival participants.


  • To take part in the Festival applicants fill out a form (see attachment) and send it to the Organizing Committee before March 1.
  • Application must be supplemented by a summary of the performer/group of performers in English/Russian, participants’ photos, concert recordings (CD or DVD).
  • Without an application participation is not considered.
  • Organizing Committee does not review or return publicity and news materials, CDs and DVDs.
  • The number of participants is designated by the Festival Organizing Committee.


  • Each participant of the Festival present their program limited to thirty minutes.
  • Festival Organizing Committee favors concert programs that feature national music, national musical instruments and answer to the theme of the Festival.
  • Festival Organizing Committee may shorten or lengthen the program according to an agreement reached with the Festival participant.


  • Participants of the Festival are met and accommodated in the dormitories, hotels and apartments belonging to St. Petersburg State Conservatoire by representatives of the Festival Management Group appointed by the Organizing Committee.
  • Festival Organizing Committee covers living expenses and provides participants with 3 meals a day.
  • Festival Organizing Committee covers travel expenses for local trips that Festival participants make within St. Petersburg and Leningradskaya oblast’.
  • Participants of the Festival pay for their trip to St. Petersburg and back themselves or allocate funds from their sponsors or schools.


  • Festival promotion materials include various printed matter: posters, placards, banners, booklet in English and Russian, files, flyers, leaflets, postcards, envelopes, bags with Festival logo, invitations.


  • To promote young talented musicians and present music schools from Russia and abroad Festival Organizing Committee orders to make souvenir CDs with recordings of the Festival concerts.
  • To promote the Festival and the themes it covers the Organizing Committee produces Festival memorabilia (merchandise) according to the design approved by the Committee.


  • Each year we work out PR- and advertising strategy to promote International Conservatoire Week Festival and its events that are being widely advertised and later reviewed in the mass media.