Тhe West-Jutland Conservatory was founded in 2006, September on the grounds of the decree, issued by the Ministry of Culture of Denmark, and figures prominently not only in the musical society of Esbjerg, but also in the whole West Jutland. The main task of the Conservatory is to provide high-quality teaching, all-round theoretical and practical musical education. The Conservatory includes the Department of chamber and partita music, musical theory and musical therapy. Students have an opportunity of studying musical aesthetics and communicative features of music.
The Conservatory concentrates special attention on the musical education for children and has perfect conditions of education, first-rate equipment. It also maintains close contact with musical institutions of many countries: every spring students of Rhythmical Department do practical work in New-York.
Olivier Latri, the main cantor of Notre-Dam de Paris is the professor of the Partita Department.